Intel® AMT connection mode

Radmin chapter Intel® AMT
Radmin jumpto Intel® AMT

Radmin warn Intel® AMTIntel® AMT connection mode requires Windows 2000 or later.

Connecting to a remote computer

If the remote computer is configured to use Intel® AMT technology Radmin Viewer can connect to it by using ‘Intel® AMT connection mode’.

To connect to a remote computer via Intel® AMT connection mode:
  1. Add a phonebook record for the target computer.
  2. Right-click on the record to display the Record context menu(Radmin illustr Intel® AMTillustration).
    Radmin pb con menu amt Intel® AMT
    Phonebook connection menu
  3. Choose the Intel® AMT menu item.
  4. Choose the AMT operation to be performed.

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AMT operations

Radmin Viewer supports the following Intel® AMT operations:

  • Cold Restart

    Restart the remote computer by using the remote computer’s physical On/Off button. This is the physical button on the remote computer’s case that turns on/off the electricity to the computer. AMT can send a command to the remote computer that turns this On/Off button off, then on again.

    Radmin warn Intel® AMTThe AMT Cold Restart command is sent directly to the electronics of the remote computer bypassing the remote computer’s operating system, so all unsaved data will be lost, exactly the same as turning the remote computer’s On/Off power button.

  • Turn On

    This turns on the remote computer’s On/Off switch.

  • Cold Turn Off

    This turns off the remote computer’s On/Off power button.

    Radmin warn Intel® AMTIf the remote computer’s operating system is running it will not receive this ‘shutdown’ command and all unsaved data will be lost.

  • BIOS Remote Control

    This AMT command restarts the remote computer into its BIOS. This operation opens a terminal window that shows the remote computer’s boot up and BIOS screens and enables you to send keyboard commands to the remote computer as it boots up.

  • Startup Remote Control

    This restarts the remote computer and opens a terminal window that shows the remote computer’s boot sequence and enables you to send keyboard commands to the remote computer as it boots up.

  • Network Boot

    This AMT command restarts the remote computer and boots it from a specified local CD-Rom or floppy (on the computer you are using to connect to the remote computer) or disk image file. This operation opens a terminal window that shows the remote computer’s boot sequence and enables you to send keyboard commands to the remote computer as it boots up.

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AMT security

Radmin Viewer supports ‘Small Business’ Intel® AMT security where remote computer access is protected by login and password. For any new Intel® AMT connection Radmin Viewer will display an authentication window (Radmin illustr Intel® AMTillustration).

Radmin amt auth wnd Intel® AMT
‘Authentication’ window

Radmin note Intel® AMTIntel® AMT must be enabled and configured on the remote computer for this command to be effective.

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Terminal window

A terminal window is displayed if the remote computer is connected in the ‘BIOS Remote Control’, ‘Startup Remote Control’ or ‘Network Boot’ Intel® AMT connection modes. This window displays all the text information that the remote computer displays during its boot up sequence, including its BIOS interface and operating system’s initial loading menus. Any keyboard keys pressed on your local computer while this window is active are sent to the remote computer.

Radmin amt terminal wnd Intel® AMT
AMT terminal window

The terminal window menu has the following commands

  • Enable Pseudographics

    If this is selected, Radmin Viewer uses unicode to display any special characters that are used by the remote computer’s BIOS and console programs to draw the user interface.

  • Select Font …

    This selects the font used on your local computer’s monitor to display the remote computer’s screen.

  • Mode …

    In ‘VT100+’ mode the remote computer’s screen will be displayed using only English characters. In ‘VT100-UTF8′ mode the remote computer’s screen will be displayed with International characters support, but English characters and pseudographics could be displayed incorrectly.

  • Special Keys Encoding

    Select the method Radmin Viewer will use to send the Function keys (F1….F12 key presses) to the remote computer. The correct method depends on the remote computer’s manufacturer.

  • Copy Screen to clipboard

    This copies anything displayed on the remote computer’s screen to your local clipboard as text.

  • Paste Text from clipboard

    This command sends any text that is in your local computer’s clipboard as a string of characters (as if you typed each on your keyboard) to the remote computer.

  • Command

    Issues an Intel® AMT command without closing the terminal window and re-entering a password.

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Network boot

If you are connected to the remote computer using the ‘Network Boot’ Intel® AMT connection mode the ‘Network boot’ window will be displayed (Radmin illustr Intel® AMTillustration).

Radmin amt boot wnd Intel® AMT
‘Network boot’ window

  • Boot from local CD or floppy drive

    If this is selected, the remote computer will boot from a CD-ROM or floppy disk inserted into the specified drive of your local computer (the computer you are using to connect to the remote computer).

  • Boot from ISO or IMG file

    If this is selected, the remote computer will boot from the specified CD-ROM or floppy disk image file.

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Radmin related Intel® AMT

Intel® AMT