Telnet connection mode

Radmin chapter Telnet
Radmin jumpto Telnet

When the computers are connected using telnet connection mode, Radmin will display the ‘Telnet’ window (Radmin illustr Telnetillustration). This window lets you issue commands and displays any responses.

Radmin telnet Telnet
‘Telnet’ window

Radmin warn TelnetRadmin does not support telnet access to Win98/ME systems due to limitations of their ‘’ windows component.

You can enter operating system commands and start programs as you would in the ‘cmd’ or ‘command’ system utility. If the command produces some text output, Radmin will display it.

Radmin note Telnet“Telnet connection mode” is not a full-featured telnet session to the remote computer. It just transfers text input to the remote computer’s command-prompt interpreter and transfers back its responses. You will not be able to use advanced telnet features, –such as running full screen text-mode applications. For such applications, use the Full Control connection mode.

Radmin note Telnet Some Win32 console applications use direct access to the console. Such applications can’t work via telnet connection mode. For such applications, use the Full Control connection mode.

Radmin related Telnet
